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We help our nonprofit members maximize their full advocacy potential by providing the civic engagement tools and resources they need to engage with voters and members of their communities; by helping them create, grow, and sustain grassroots mobilization efforts; and by building stronger connections between nonprofits doing similar work in other communities throughout the state.  Our programs include:

  • Civic Engagement Fund
    Civic Engagement Fund

    Through our Civic Engagement Fund, we provide funding to nonprofit member organizations to support their Get-Out-The-Vote (GOTV), Grassroots Lobbying, or Community Connectedness initiatives. Our grant opportunities also include access to our team of experts to help create, launch, track progress, and gather quantitative data on the programs we fund. This is particularly beneficial to smaller nonprofits who are running a program for the first time. Helping our grantees collect data that demonstrates a measurable impact of their program helps them to seek additional funding from other sources in the future. Since the Civic Engagement Fund's start in 2017, we've distributed over $1,100,000 in grant funds.

    To learn more about grant funding available to Member organizations, contact our Statewide Civic Engagement Strategist Y'Shall at y'

  • Organizer School
    Organizer School

    In 2018 we launched our inaugural Organizer School, a program through which we hire, train, and place community organizers with our member organizers, providing their salary and benefits for one year. The purpose of the program is for nonprofits to realize the benefit of having a full-time organizer on staff, and to gain measurable data to support their programs and secure future funding, and to create a pipeline of nonprofit leadership for talented and engaged advocates in underserved and underrepresented communities.

    We are currently not taking applications for Organizer School. Please check back in later for updates.

  • Lobby School
    Lobby School

    Lobby School aims to support participants in taking a 360 approach to movement building by connecting elections and grassroots efforts to policy work. This program is intended to expand the advocacy infrastructure in our state and build power, particularly among Nebraska’s BIPOC and rural communities. Participants receive dedicated training and mentorship to support beginning lobbyists in navigating policy work.

    This program is open to Nebraska Table member and partner organizations, as well as others whose mission and vision are in alignment with our network.

    Those not already involved with an organization are invited to apply to the Lobby School program as a Policy Fellow. Policy Fellows are placed with one of our nonprofit members to develop a legislative plan. Policy Fellows integrate grassroots strategies, center impacted voices, and engage stakeholders throughout the program with the goal of advancing policy in our state.

    We are currently accepting applications for Policy Fellows to work with our Member Organizations. Through Lobby School, Policy Fellows will grow their policy, communications, and legislative advocacy skills and advance policy goals in our state. Applications will be accepted until May 13th. Learn more and apply:

  • Get Out The Vote Coalitions

    Our GOTV Coalitions build long-lasting, sustainable voter power in our communities. Through nonpartisan GOTV work, collaborative strategy, and resource sharing on essential tools and training, we're engaging voters on the key issues affecting their lives.

    We currently have GOTV Coalitions in Lincoln and Omaha that are open to Nebraska Table member organizations and community groups alike. To get involved, contact our Statewide Civic Engagement Strategist Y'Shall at y'

  • Policy Agenda Coalition

    The Nebraska Table, in partnership with the Nonprofit Association of the Midlands and the Coalition for a Strong Nebraska, holds weekly Legislative Update calls to facilitate advocacy and lobbying work during the Nebraska Legislative Session. Through this collaborative space, nonprofits and community advocates are able to efficiently set a shared policy agenda that moves forward change in our state. Sign up for weekly calls here.

    Our Election Accessibility Coalition works to advance policy that expands voting rights and makes elections accessible to all Nebraskans. Coalition members build strategy, engage key stakeholders, and coordinate legislative activities.

    To get involved, contact our Grassroots Advocacy Coordinator Arlo at

  • Youth Lobby School
    Youth Lobby School

    This program is intended to expand advocacy and build power, particularly among youth who identify as part of a historically exploited / marginalized community who have had less access to power and civic opportunity. Participants join a cohort where they can make new connections, receive individualized mentorship, and develop their skills in community building. Applications will open in fall 2024 for the next Youth Lobby School class.

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